We were warming up for PA and taught Z how to find and pick the ripe strawberries. Luckily he ate an entire hotdog right before we went into the patch, otherwise it might have gotten complicated. He happily picked the berries and put them in the basket.
We took Z to his first egg hunt on Saturday. He wasn't super interested in the eggs once he had one for each hand, but it was still lots of fun. The egg hunt was at a local produce stand, the same one with the pumpkin patch.
I moved Nui's treats while cleaning the counter and Z got to them and freely fed them to Nui. The cutest thing is Nui is sitting like a good doggie to get his treats.
I don't usually like to post nudie pics, but since Zadoc did...notice Z's new haircut. We went to the neighborhood super cuts since his hair was officially in his eyes. He did a great job until the very end when she needed to clean up the edges so it is a little rough. However, I think in a week or two it will be a fine hair-do!
Daddy always wrestles and gives Z flurbles. Apparently he has decided that this is a fun way to play and likes to find his own victims. Poor Kaiwi is often the victim- Z will lift his shirt and flurble away. Luckily Ka'iwi is a good sport.
This is why Z is so intrigued with the loft, all of sister's fun toys are up there. I guess we blew it when we took him up there last week (while Zade and I were sorting through old bins to clear out unused items.) We had no idea that our willful boy would figure out how to climb the ladder so quickly.
On his 16 month birthday Z officially learned to climb up to the loft himself. Mommy was doing the dishes and couldn't figure out where he went, low and behold, he was 10 feet up in the loft. Thank god he was safe and sound. Daddy is officially scrambling to figure out how to baby proof it.
Some habits die hard... Z is learning to use utensils so can make a big mess at meal times. Daddy decided to just throw him in the sink. Z would have stayed in there all day if we let him.