I am surprised how emotional the ending of this school year has made me. At the start of the year I referred to this as a "throw away year" since Z will still have have two more years of preschool. I honestly just wanted him to adjust to being away from us on those three days. Well, he more then adjusted, he has thrived. When I dropped him off at school yesterday half his class was at the window chanting "Z,Z." Each morning a handful of kids run to the door to give him hugs and he beams with excitement. You would never guess he is the youngest in his class. He even has an adorable girl that is certain she and Z,Z will get married. I really wasn't concerned about academics. After all, he only really started talking two months prior to the school year. I remember during his first share day I was so worried that the teachers would not understand when he said monk seal as a lot of worlds were still unintelligible. At the close of the year he can now tell you all about monk seals and about 15 other ocean creatures. He knows half of the continents, all his colors and shapes, and is determined to learn his letters. I have learned a lot this year too. I learned to always hope for learning and to always assume Z will thrive and not throw away any opportunity put in front of him.

Z on the first day.
Z after his last full day. Notice his confidence looking at the camera compared to the first day.
On water play day in the back of his classroom.
His two closest buddies, Kayden and Nanea.
Z in the goodbye window. We had many tearful goodbyes at this window but many more excited ones. Z blows me many kisses and tells me he loves me each morning.
Their beautiful campus getting set-up for water play.