Camping on Lauren's boat in Lahaina:

Sunrise on the boat.

Taking advantage of the early morning calm waters- Declan tow-surfing.
Cousin's paint ball party-
Declan with cousin Kahala and cousin Nalu.
Boys attending a zoom birthday party.
Kai Lenny day (pro-surfer) with all the boys favorite peeps.
On Kai's skate ramp.

Country Club Kid's costume party-
Pajama Day at school-
Declan and all his missing teeth-
Crazy hair day at school (boys picked their own styles)-
Zadoc's Bday-
Halloween Party at our house (I wasn't so good about taking pics!)-
The eat the donut with no hands game.
Pinata time.
Z by the fire.
Halloween night in Kula Kai.

Even Kala had a costume this year!!
And the tired morning after-