Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November 2020

Rainbows over the yard and house. 

Declan with Kahi and Kala

Crazy brothers in the backseat. 

Went shooting clay pigeons with Poppa and all the cousins (plus Jay Brown family.)

Declan was a very good shot. 
Z bug didn't do too badly himself!

Skating Fun- 


Couples golf tournament with the "other Browns"

At their buddy's laser tag party. She only had 8 kids and it was more fun then a normal party!

Z bug's bday morning...
This is a drifting bike. It was the hit of his bday. Every kid that has tried it asked for one for Christmas. It is super fun. 
Bday morning skate/scooter with cousin Nalu.
And Bday Trampoline Park with Kaiwi and Jack. 

Then birthday Action Park fun with Reef & Jack. 

Turkey Day fun...outdoor set up to be more Covid friendly....

What the kids are thankful for:
Zadoc- Pets, Mom and Dad
Declan- Food

Front entryway with buffet in bottom corner-

Poppa with Pat Fisher and kids
Step-brother Hunter at the bar. 
Z and his buddies. 
We through a little birthday piñata in at the end of Thanksgiving. 
Z and his ice cream pie. 

End of the night- adults at fire pit.
and kids in the driveway...