Seabury Hall's Drive Through Light Show. We somehow ended up in a car with five wild, shirtless boys and had to wait a half an hour to get in!
Making Gingerbread Houses:
I make wreaths at Lauren's house every year. I have never brought the boys with me. Declan wanted to go and ended up making a wreath all by himself. He loved it.
Couples Golf December Tournament- we even played in the pouring down rain!
The Country Club's socially distanced Christmas party-
Auntie Tobi made snowballs for them at her Shave Ice stand (and she let Z have 3 shave ices.)
Out to dinner with the Browns before an evening of Christmas light looking.
Hanging out the sunroof as we drive slowly through the best lighted neighborhood on Maui.
Hiking with cousins and friends:
Christmas Eve at the Fishers (but pics at our house before)-